Executive Board
E-Board Spotlight

Major: Business Administration & Accounting
Minor: Artificial Intelligence Applications
Year: Junior
Favorite Aspect of Ascend?: "I love how genuine and supportive the people in Ascend are."

Professional Development
The PD Department is responsible for reaching out to professionals, alumni, and recruited students, and invite them to speak at our events in the form of info sessions, panels, and networking sessions. We try our best to do anything related to helping our members develop their careers!
VP of Professional Development
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Applied Analytics
Year: Junior
Favorite Aspect of Ascend?: "My favorite aspect of Ascend is the people that you get to meet both in the club and in the professional world, along with the opportunities that Ascend provides for you."

Chair Professional Development
Major: Accounting
Year: Senior
Why Ascend?: "Versatility. You’ll connect with people exploring a wide range of business industries, not just one. In the business world, diverse perspectives translate into more options, and more options lead to greater opportunity."

Chair of Professional Development
Major: Business Administration
Year: Sophomore
Favorite Aspect of Ascend?: "The community, everyone makes you feel welcomed and safe and you can just be yourself."

Chair of Professional Development
Major: Business Administration
Minor: Applied Analytics
Year: Sophomore
Why Ascend?: "Ascend is a great organization for students who are trying to learn and become more integrated into the business world. Overall, Ascend is a safe and fun community of people from a variety of backgrounds who are interested in business, and I would highly recommend joining if you are looking to make friends or if you aren't sure what career path you're interested in!"

The Membership Department is in charge of all our socials and fun mixers! We organize events such as fun game nights, trivia nights, and boba runs for our members.

Co VP of Membership
Major: Business Administration
Year: Senior
Favorite Aspect of Ascend?: "My favorite aspect of Ascend is the community we have. At Ascend we all want each other to succeed and we always try to help each other out. Ascend is like a family!"

Co VP of Membership
Major: Economics & Data Science
Minor: Artificial Intelligence
Year: Junior
Favorite Memory: "Karaoke with my fam"

Chair of Membership
Major: Accounting
Year: Junior
Favorite Memory?: "When we played hide n seek in the Airbnb on the fam retreat."
The Marketing Department handles all communications you see, ranging from Instagram to LinkedIn. We strive to capture Ascend memories and showcase our social and professional sides.
VP of Marketing
Major: Computer Science & Business Administration
Year: Junior
Why Ascend?: "Ascend was the first student organization where I felt at home and was able to connect with the people on a deeper level."

The Finance Department deals with all money-related issues! Our dues, food expenses, gift cards, and many other operations down that line.
Chair of Finance
Major: Accounting
Minor: Artificial Intelligence Applications
Year: Junior
Favorite Memory?: "Hiding in the laundry machine in a game of hide-and-seek during the Ascend Eboard retreat."